Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Man Up

      My wrestling buddy Dan Young hit me up with an idea for today. Here's what he said.

Man Up

      Sometimes when things get difficult, we develop a negative attitude that gets supported by our excuses. We make excuses as to why things are going so badly for us. These attitudes become habit when the going gets tough. It's so easy to make excuses for yourself instead of 'manning up' and moving on. When you catch your self making excuses, shut up, take a 'ten second TV delay', and take ownership of your actions. No one likes a Negativitist (made that word up, yeah, its pretty dope).
           Yea, life is good when you don't have conflicts or stressors. But you will always have um, so deal with it.
Put your bul$h** aside and Man Up

          When you  get crushed with schoolwork and are in argument with your girl or best friend; and NOW you gotta go to practice and try play without this on your mind…tough. But do you let what you can no longer control get to you? HELL NO.
          Before you step out on that wrestling mat, that ice, that field, you take a few deep breathes, grip your gear and say Im'a tear it up today, Im gonna get better, Im gonna work as hard as I possibly can. And noone is going to stop me.

Here's someone who know's about moving on from EXCELLENT HITS.

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