Wednesday, October 19, 2011


        So it just hit me this past week, and it's a feeling that is indescribable with words. I started this week with a SMALL idea in my head about what I wanted to do as a personal project. And by today, I am diagraming an entire design and layout for what I think will work. And the reason that I finally came up with a tangeble idea and outline for this project is because of teamwork.

        Basically, I JUST learned this week why peer review, discussion, and open conversation are important for molding an idea. I couldn't see it when my teachers told me to edit my papers, my coachs told me to listen to what they said, and I definitely didn't want to ASK for help. No way, not now, not never.

        BUT because of my friends, my roommate, and some side people, I molded an idea that could be amazing and awesome and fufilling. So today, I just want to say this so that people realize this idea of peer review and observation is a sign of YOUR strength, not a sign of your weakness.

It's OK to Get Help. That is How You Get Better

Its Just that Easy. 

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