Wednesday, October 5, 2011


       So here's whats been gettin at me. I see so many athletes everyday, and all my friends are athletes, and all my friend's friends are athletes, but the goals of athletes seem to be discouraged. For me, Freshman year I just wanted to be on varsity. Sophomore year, I wanted playing time. But the real athlete, the real winner, he wants to be a champion.
     Lately, I have been forcing myself to focus on just one goal, and create sub-goals that will get me to that goal. I'll give it to you nice and easy. Here's my general outlook.

  1. Win the National Championship
  2. Go undefeated
  3. Beat Navy

 Now, when I start thinking about lacrosse, or practice, or games, or winning, all I can focus on is how bad I want a National Championship ring. I want to be in a pile in the crease after winning in Sudden Death on the opening faceoff. Imagine walking off the mat, ice, field, court, whatever, with the whole sports communities praise. Force yourself to do everything you need to do to put yourself in the position to be successful.

1) If you want to win, you have to believe you will win.
2) If you are ok with taking a loss, you will take a loss.

      And trust me, I refuse to lose. In fact, I wont accept losing because I know my team better than that. I want to go undefeated, unblemished, and I want to win by multiple goals. I want there to be no doubt who the better team was. I want people to be scared to play us. In my mind there is nothing stopping my family from winning the National Championship. That's what keeps me up at night and thats what gets me going in the morning.

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