Sunday, October 23, 2011

Learn from the Best

     This weekend I went down to see my  buddy Will Fejes play at the Delaware Lacrosse tournament in Newark. I talked to him briefly about how he gets himself in the "winner's mindset" before a game and how well he thinks his effort and attention in practice affects his performance in the games. That interview will be coming soon.

     I saw some things that I will definitely try and do in my games and practice, and going to these games reinforced something that is really key in becoming a better athlete. That key is to watch other players. Give yourself a role model that you can watch and learn from. This not only drives you to be like them but it will also help you become a more versitile player as you become a "hybrid" of your model's style and your original style.
     For now, enjoy my first shot at making some sweet highlights. the song is More and More :by At Dawn We Rage. Let me know what you think!

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