Thursday, October 20, 2011

No Mistakes

     The worst part about being an athlete is that somewhere along the line in practice, games, or your life you will make mistakes. My buddy Garrett Thul (Army Lacrosse #9) sent me a video about how Superbike racers think about making mistakes.

      In this video, they say that Champions don't make mistakes, basically because in Superbike Racing making a mistake means that your life is on the line. Well, I know that if I make a mistake on the field, my life is not on the line, and I'm going to end up O.K. So what's the point of this video?

     The point is that every mistake has a cost and benefit. So lets say you make a mistake on the field. Well now you feel like your backtracking in your skills and abilities. But rather than let the mistake takeover your game, you work hard to make sure that it doesn't happen again. The end result is that you end up playing at a higher level than you did before.

    The PROBLEM with making mistakes comes from when you make the same mistake more than once, and you don't learn from it. So today, I'll just leave you with an idea about how to think when you DO make a mistake. Word.

Never Be Satisfied With Your Game If You Are Making Mistakes

     Continue to work hard and don't get discouraged when you make mistakes, but don't let those mistakes happen over again. All that will show you is that you are not working hard enough to get better.

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