Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Be Contagious

      Another collaboration from Pat and I (Daniel Young) on being the man. Hope you enjoy.
     Don’t ever sell yourself short, because when you put yourself into a position to succeed, you not only have deserved the best, but better yet earned the best. Think about it. You put yourself in a position to succeed through your attitude, your work ethic and your relationships with others. They all go hand in hand, they are inseparable! Being a good person and always treating other with respect and patience takes work, winning a national championship takes work! Our attitudes flow from our actions.

     Positivity (yeah, I dunno if it’s a word but now it is) and motivation are contagious attitudes. Once your friends and/or teammates see you motivating others and staying positive, they will do the same. And you will be on your way to Winning. Here is the first line of my favorite quote. Definitely watch the video and hear the rest and embrace its ideas.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

      Wake up in the morning and say (like my boy Pat) WOOO! And know you’re the man cause you’re so confident in your efforts to make a difference. Not just for yourself, but for those around you. Try and base your success off how hard you are working towards not just being a better athlete but also being a better person. We all fall at times, its life! But that’s the glory of it all, you can get back up from your falls and live to learn for another day. So grip your gear and get after it!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome and so encouraging. On a training run last weekend I ran past a guy with shirt on that said

    "What hurts worse? The PAIN of hard work or the PAIN of REGRET?"

    I wrote it on my mirror and have been saying it to myself ever since. THis goes for competing in athletics and more importantly LIFE.

    Thanks for your encouraging words sweet Daniel. I love you brother. And I am proud of you.
