Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In The Zone

Pats computer is down so he asked that I post and add some insight. Just more food for thought, enjoy.

Remember the best day of your life? Remember the best game, match, or play of your life? I know I do. The real question is do you remember how you FELT during the event. You felt like nothing could go wrong. Wait, in reality, you really weren’t thinking. You just played. Well that feeling isn’t a one time occurrence. It is possible to put yourself “In The Zone” before every practice and game. Before class. Before you go out at night. In reality, being in the zone is about accepting what comes at you and adjusting without becoming flustered. And it’s when you play your best.

Think back to those practices, those games, that you absolutely crushed it. What did you do? Did you not think about anything, did you listen to a certain song, did you joke around a bit more. To get into the zone you must first find that zone. Every person/athlete is different and know, in every aspect of their sport, what works for them. For Pat its pre-game/practice jams that help him get rid of any stress. I like to taking a few deep breaths to help me release everything else that happened that day. Then i think about all the hard work and time spent in order to win. This gives me confidence.

If you look at all the pros, they each do something unique before they play to help them win. Lebron throws chalk up in the air, Ray Lewis does a crazy dance, Michael Jordan would always kiss his necklace, countless athletes take knees to pray before they step out. Do YOU!

Here are some tips to get you in “The Zone”:


Few deep breaths

Routine dress/warm-up

Taking a knee

Crack jokes during warm ups to relax the nerves



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