Monday, October 10, 2011


     Gave myself a little recuperation time over the weekend. Got some rest, and now I'm ready to rock this short week. This blog is now a combo of me and my Army Wrestling buddy Dan Young's. We bounce our thoughts of one another and bring them to you. For tonight and tomorrow, think about how you are gonna make yourself and your teammates better and have a positive, beneficial practice relationship.

    Enemies On the Field, Best Friends Off the Field

“I hated every minute of training, but I thought to myself suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion”

-Muhammad Ali

       Whether you’re the most humble or the most obnoxious person, it doesn’t matter cause when it comes down to it you and your teammates should have one thought in common: Winning. When your at practice, your teammate is often your opponent. You are there for one reason, to make each other better. That means you are there to encourage, correct, and win your matchup.

         When I am at practice, I get pissed when I miss a shot because I expect to score every time. I get LOUD when my teammates do good things on the field. I heckle, cheer, argue, and I try to motivate. I know that these are important things that have to be done during practice because if you can't challenge your teammates, or "Get Up" when they accomplish stuff, then come game time, those things won't translate to games.

        SO, when your at practice, don't let your teammates off with sloppy play, dont let your friends accomplishments go unnoticed, and don't take that time for granted. When it comes practice time, you flip a switch, and you don't let anyone stop you. You make your defender your enemy, and you win. THEN, off the field, you are best friends again. That is an important part that a team needs to understand. You have to be able to be enemies in practice, then smile and laugh and be best friends as soon as you are done practice. Thats how you prepare to Win.

Heres a little song to get you going before practice, do work.

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