Friday, October 28, 2011


     Been MIA for a couple weeks, my bad, been busy with excuses. But none the less I got something for ya.

     Recently, more than usual anyways, I have been thinking about what makes people great; and simply put it is their attitude. Those who are champions have changed the way they think. There is no room in their minds and in their actions to settle for something less than great.

     My head coach Joe Heskett, a 4 time all American 3Xfinalist and national champion; was 5th in the world before he found out he had to get his heart replaced because of a bad ticker. Not only is he an incredible worker/athlete, but his attitude is so champion driven that’s its almost annoying. His positivity integrated with his champions mindset/attitude drives his will to win.

     Take Deon Sanders for another example, the guy was an animal and was known for his work ethic. He was also known for being obnoxious, loud, and boisterous about how good he was on and off the field. Although I don’t feel like talking about yourself all the time is the only way to become great, his performance backed up his words, and his attitude was full of swag. One of his quotes: "You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you play good." PRIME! That's confidence and that's SWAG.

     This attitude that I repetitively describe including swag, champions mindset, positivity, confidence, are all driven by one moving force: HARD WORK. My dad would always always always tell me that actions speak louder than words, and I can’t argue with him. We can sit here all day writing wishing hoping we were great but in order to do so we must put in the time, the effort, the sacrifice, the work. We must be willing to work harder than our opponents to gain the confidence and mental strength we need to develop a habitual champions attitude. An attitude/mindset is not always innate and are less likley decided over night; they are developed overtime. Aristotle said this...

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit”.

     To me, that also applies to a mindset as well. Next time you do an extra workout, or even while your working your but off in practice, think to yourself that you are a champion, and that you are working harder than your opponent. Eventually you wont have to think about thinking about it, You will just be a champion (winning), and thus your will to win has become habit.

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